Health & wellness information for students

Health & wellness information for students

Click here for a list of clinics and hospitals close to campus.

Welcome to campus and the start of a new year at Rice! We are writing with a reminder on the importance of staying healthy and following good health habits when you are on campus.

1. Wash your hands the right way – especially before eating or preparing food, after going to the bathroom and after you have been around someone who is sick.

The “right way” means wetting your hands with running water (warm or cold), applying soap, rubbing your hands together for at least 20 seconds to make a lather, scrubbing the front and back sides -- including between your fingers and under your nails -- and rinsing under running water. Dry your hands with a clean towel or air-dry them. The goal is to prevent the spread of germs, and you cannot achieve that by holding your hands under the faucet for a few seconds.

2. If you are sick, do not go to class. Staying in your room will help you recover and avoid spreading illness to others. For those who eat in the college serveries, please contact the senior operations manager for your servery to make arrangements for your meals to be delivered so that you do not spread germs in public dining areas. Please let someone know you are ill and drink plenty of fluids.

3. Contact health resources on campus and off campus for additional care, including:

Rice University Student Health Service, located in the Rich Health and Wellness Center next to the Brown Magister’s House near Entrance 27B. The service is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To make an appointment, call 713-348-4966. If the office is closed, you can find a list of nearby urgent-care centers at Student Health has free cold medicine packs, free condoms and free feminine hygiene products available at the front desk.

Rice EMS is always available for on campus emergencies, 24 hours a day. The phone number is at 713-348-6000.

Rice Wellbeing and Counseling Center, located in the Gibbs Wellness Center next to the recreation center, provides mental health support. If you are wanting to meet with someone to talk about stress, relationship issues, or your mental health, feel free to walk in anytime from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. If you would like to make an appointment or need to speak to someone after hours (24/7) you can call 713-348-3311.

There are several Urgent Care and Emergency Centers around Rice. However, not all accept Aetna insurance. Attached is a flier with good options for care. You can also find it on the Student Health Services website. You may also call Aetna’s customer service line at 877-375-7908.

4. Get your flu shot. Flu shots are now available at Health Services. They are $18. Students with Aetna Student Health will receive a claim form for full reimbursement.

5. Wear a seat belt in cars and always wear a helmet on bicycles, scooters and skateboards.

6. Never leave a friend alone when going out. Embrace the Rice Culture of Care and look out for each other.

7. Remember the importance of sleep for your mental and physical well-being. Stay healthy by getting good sleep each night.

For undergraduates, remember that your college magisters and RA’s are also a good resource. Please don’t hesitate to let them know if you need assistance.

Best wishes to you all for a healthy academic year,

Bridget Gorman, Dean of Undergraduates
Seiichi Matsuda, Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies