Why I Chose Rice for Graduate School

By Arthur Steve Tchoneteck. Choosing a graduate school like Rice University offers numerous advantages due to its exceptional qualities, diverse programs, student body, city environment, and other opportunities.

Aerial Picture of Rice University

Choosing a graduate school like Rice University offers numerous advantages due to its exceptional qualities, diverse programs, student body, city environment, and other opportunities. Here's a breakdown of the factors I considered specifically about Rice when comparing Rice with my other offers:

Great Quality of School:

   - Rice University is renowned for its academic excellence, rigorous programs, and distinguished faculty members.

   - The university consistently ranks among the top institutions nationally and globally, ensuring a high-quality education.

   - Access to cutting-edge research facilities, resources, and innovative teaching methodologies enhances the learning experience.

Program Diversity:

   - Rice University offers graduate programs across various disciplines, catering to diverse academic interests and career goals.

   - Whether interested in STEM fields, humanities, social sciences, or business, Rice provides comprehensive programs with opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.

Student Diversity:

   - Rice University boasts a diverse and inclusive student community, bringing together individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.

   - Interacting with peers from diverse backgrounds fosters cross-cultural understanding, enriches academic discussions, and prepares students for success in a globalized world.

 City Environment:

   - Located in Houston, Texas, Rice University offers the benefits of both an urban environment and a serene campus setting.

   - Houston is a vibrant and culturally rich city known for its diverse population, thriving arts scene, culinary offerings, and economic opportunities.

   - The city's dynamic atmosphere provides students ample opportunities for internships, networking, and cultural experiences outside of academia.


   - Rice University's location in Houston opens doors to numerous professional opportunities, with access to leading industries, research institutions, and corporate headquarters.

   - The university fosters strong partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and governmental entities, offering students internships, research opportunities, and potential career pathways.

   - Additionally, Rice's alumni network is extensive and influential, providing valuable connections and mentorship opportunities for career advancement.

In conclusion, choosing Rice University for your graduate studies offers a unique blend of academic excellence, program diversity, student inclusivity, urban vitality, and abundant opportunities, positioning you for a fulfilling educational experience and a successful future career.

About the author: 

Arthur Steve Tchoneteck is a current Ph.D. student in Statistics. He earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Yaounde I and African Institute for Mathematical Science Rwanda. Read more.

Further Reading:

My Journey as a Graduate Student Ambassador

From Scholar to Startup: Navigating Entrepreneurship as a Ph.D. Student at Rice University

Preparing for and Giving a Presentation at My First BIG Conference (BMES)