
For links to our bi-weekly newsletters: Grad Digest | Postdoc Post

News from the Grad Student Community @ Rice

By: Iago Mariano. Um tutorial do processo para adquirir sua licensa para dirigir nos Estados Unidos.

By Carly Graverson. Monetary purchasing power is location-dependent.

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Explicando la diferencia entre la comida Tex-Mex y la auténtica cocina mexicana desde un punto de vista histórico, cultural y culinario.

By The School of Social Sciences. Three graduate students were recently honored with the Marian Irish Award.

By Nathaniel Uy. How Houstonians Made the Most of the Winter Surprise

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. La guía para peatones de como sobrevivir y prosperar en Houston sin carro propio.

By Bohan Zhang. Exploring Houston's Vibrant New Chinese Flavors.

Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025

Staff Spotlight: Carrie Willard

I’m so inspired by our students. The research that our graduate students do every day is incredible.

By Anna Lucas. How the MIT Policy Hackathon Expanded My Perspective on Policy, Technology, and Problem-Solving.

By Phelecia Scotland. Understanding how to email professors helped me to navigate the ins and outs of graduate school.

By Phelecia Scotland. Impostor syndrome thrives in silence and isolation, but it diminishes when faced with self-compassion and community.

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

Monday, Jan. 13, 2025

Korean Food in Houston

By Hannah Lim. Your guide to finding great Korean restaurants in Houston.


作者:Manuel Carmona Pichardo. 步行者的生存指南:如何在没有私家车的情况下, 在休斯顿生活并过得精彩

Monday, Jan. 6, 2025

Weekend Getaways Near Houston

By Hannah Lim. Perfect Getaways Just a Short Drive from Houston!

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

By Bohan Zhang. Houston offers a wide variety of fun events and activities to enjoy during the winter season!

Monday, Jan. 6, 2025

Proposing a Workshop

By Daziyah Sullivan. So I have an idea for a workshop or tutorial to further my research community… what do I do next?

Por Luisa Rezende: um pouco sobre a comunidade brasileira no campus.

Por Fernanda Morales-Calva. El objetivo del CTE en la Universidad de Rice es "[fomentar] una enseñanza sobresaliente a través de prácticas basadas en la evidencia, una sólida construcción de comunidades y la investigación en ciencias pedagógicas".

Recent Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies News

BRASA Student Life

Como conseguir a sua Driver’s License Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2025

By: Iago Mariano. Um tutorial do processo para adquirir sua licensa para dirigir nos Estados Unidos.

Cost of Living

How Much Is Your Ph.D. Stipend Really Worth? A Cost of Living Breakdown Monday, Mar. 10, 2025

By Carly Graverson. Monetary purchasing power is location-dependent.

Tex-Mex Is Not Mexican

Tex-Mex y Comida Mexicana: Una Relación Complicada Monday, Mar. 10, 2025

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Explicando la diferencia entre la comida Tex-Mex y la auténtica cocina mexicana desde un punto de vista histórico, cultural y culinario.

Kishan Bhakta, Maranda Joyce, and Tabitha Koch were recently honored at the Southern Political Science Association (SPSA) annual meeting with the Marian Irish Award

Political science graduate students honored with Marian Irish award for research on gender and political violence Monday, Mar. 3, 2025

By The School of Social Sciences. Three graduate students were recently honored with the Marian Irish Award.

Snow day on Rice's campus

Texan Snow Day: A Winter Wonderland in the South Friday, Jan. 31, 2025

By Nathaniel Uy. How Houstonians Made the Most of the Winter Surprise

Houston Sunset

¿Vivir en Houston sin auto? Si, es posible. Friday, Jan. 31, 2025

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. La guía para peatones de como sobrevivir y prosperar en Houston sin carro propio.

Chinese Food

A Guide to Newly Opened Chinese Restaurants in Houston Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025

By Bohan Zhang. Exploring Houston's Vibrant New Chinese Flavors.

Carrie Willard, Rice University

Staff Spotlight: Carrie Willard Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025

I’m so inspired by our students. The research that our graduate students do every day is incredible.

Our pitch in action, Brenden as the main speaker.

My First Policy Hackathon: Lessons from MIT’s 7th Annual Event Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025

By Anna Lucas. How the MIT Policy Hackathon Expanded My Perspective on Policy, Technology, and Problem-Solving.

Emailing a professor

How to email graduate school professors Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025

By Phelecia Scotland. Understanding how to email professors helped me to navigate the ins and outs of graduate school.

Imposter Syndrome

Conquering Impostor Syndrome in Graduate School Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025

By Phelecia Scotland. Impostor syndrome thrives in silence and isolation, but it diminishes when faced with self-compassion and community.

Income at Rice U.

Transitioning from Rice to Rice: Undergrad to Grad Experience – Extra Income Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.


Transitioning from Rice to Rice: Undergrad to Grad Experience – Housing Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

Academics at Rice U.

Transitioning from Rice to Rice: Undergrad to Grad Experience – Academics Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

Korean Food

Korean Food in Houston Monday, Jan. 13, 2025

By Hannah Lim. Your guide to finding great Korean restaurants in Houston.


研究生阶段积累教学经验:莱斯大学卓越教学中心 Monday, Jan. 13, 2025


Houston Sunset

在休斯顿生活却没车?没问题,这完全可以实现! Monday, Jan. 13, 2025

作者:Manuel Carmona Pichardo. 步行者的生存指南:如何在没有私家车的情况下, 在休斯顿生活并过得精彩

Kemah Boardwalk

Weekend Getaways Near Houston Monday, Jan. 6, 2025

By Hannah Lim. Perfect Getaways Just a Short Drive from Houston!

Rice Orientation

Transitioning from Rice to Rice: Undergrad to Grad Experience – Orientation Monday, Jan. 6, 2025

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

Social Events at Rice U.

Transitioning from Rice to Rice: Undergrad to Grad Experience – Social Events Monday, Jan. 6, 2025

By Katie Garcia. My experience at Rice as an Undergraduate and Graduate Student.

Houston Zoo Lights

Are You Staying in Houston During Winter Vacation? Here’s How to Beat Boredom! Monday, Jan. 6, 2025

By Bohan Zhang. Houston offers a wide variety of fun events and activities to enjoy during the winter season!

Daziyah Sullivan

Proposing a Workshop Monday, Jan. 6, 2025

By Daziyah Sullivan. So I have an idea for a workshop or tutorial to further my research community… what do I do next?

Brazilian Student Life

Um pedacinho do Brasil na Rice University Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

Por Luisa Rezende: um pouco sobre a comunidade brasileira no campus.

Taller de posgrado organizado por uno de los becarios del CTE. 

Obtener experiencia docente mientras estás cursando tu doctorado: Center for Teaching Excellence de Rice Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

Por Fernanda Morales-Calva. El objetivo del CTE en la Universidad de Rice es "[fomentar] una enseñanza sobresaliente a través de prácticas basadas en la evidencia, una sólida construcción de comunidades y la investigación en ciencias pedagógicas".

Rice Unviersity Lovett Hall

Graduate Psychology Programs at Rice University: A Guide for Prospective Students Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By: Fernanda Morales-Calva. Rice University’s Department of Psychological Sciences offers rigorous Ph.D. and Master’s programs ideal for students focused on research and applied practice.

Students on Rice Campus

Fazendo Ph.D. em Rice University Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By Daniela Hikari Yano. Um resumo de como é fazer um Ph.D. em Rice University por uma aluna brasileira!

Rice University Graduate Apartments

宿舍如家:莱斯大学研究生宿舍居住体验 Monday, Dec. 2, 2024


Rice Owls

A Guide to Watching NCAA Games on Campus Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By Bohan Zhang. With 16 varsity teams competing in NCAA Division I, Rice offers an incredible opportunity to enjoy high-level sports on campus.

Banking in the U.S.

Banking in the USA for international students Part 4: How to play the game Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Making the most out of your money and accounts using the advantages of the banking system works in the USA.

Credit Card

Banking in the USA for international students Part 3: Dos and don’ts with accounts Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Understanding how the banking system works in the USA, especially for international students.


Banking in the USA for international students Part 2: Credit cards and score Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Understanding how the banking system works in the USA, especially for international students.

Banking in the U.S.

Banking in the USA for international students Part 1: the basics Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Understanding how the banking system works in the USA, especially for international students.

Astrid Campos

Enriching and Meaningful Experience as a Graduate Student Through Clubes de Ciencia Mx Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By Astrid Campos. From student to instructor, giving back and breaking barriers in science.

Chun-Ying at

Resources of Travel Grant to Support Your Academia Conference Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By Chun-Ying Chao. Resources of conference travel grant that helps you succeed.

Anna Lucas: Global Affairs Master's Student

An Honest Look at How I've Navigated Networking from Ground Zero Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By Anna Lucas. How I have leveraged the resources in the Master of Global Affairs program to shape my professional growth and craft my career trajectory.

Selva in Houston

Blending Worlds: Transitioning from Texas Medical Center to PhD at Rice University Monday, Dec. 2, 2024

By: Selvalakshmi Selvaraj Anand. From Research Institute to Academia: Navigating New Horizons

Moody Art

Exploring Home and Identity Through Do Ho Suh’s Art at the Moody Friday, Oct. 4, 2024

By Nathaniel Angelo Uy. Navigating Personal Spaces and Cultural Memory in the Works of Do Ho Suh at Rice University’s Moody Center for the Arts

Lovett Hall

Building Resilience as a Graduate Student at Rice University Friday, Oct. 4, 2024

By Arthur Steve Tchoneteck. Rice has been a great place for me to go over and beyond the limit in order to build my resilience!


A One-Woman Adventure: Buns of Glory (This One is about Burgers) Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024

By Carly Graverson. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!

Coffee Cup

10 Networking Tips for Grad Students Who Aren’t Extroverts Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024

By Agustin Prinetti. A guide to mastering academic events even if you're not a natural networker

Tex-Mex Is Not Mexican

Tex-Mex is not Mexican Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024

By Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Explaining the difference between Tex-Mex and authentic Mexican cuisine, from a historical, cultural and culinary point of view.

Fondren Library

Beyond Fondren: Exploring Hidden Book Corners at Rice Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024

By Bohan Zhang. Did you know that there are several other cozy book corners scattered throughout Rice where you can relax with a good book?

Student on Rice's Campus

Time Management as a Ph.D. Student Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024

By Carly Graverson. “I’m a Ph.D. candidate, of course one of my most common phrases is ‘OMG, I’m so busy!’” - Someone on TikTok, probably

Jae'la in Library

Summer 2024: A Look Into My Time in Austin Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024

By Jae'la Solomon. The Friends of the Texas Historical Commission Preservations Scholars Program has molded my understanding of history, preservation, and the study of the Humanities.

Chun-Ying at COLDEX Leadership Workshop

Three tips for improving your leadership Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024

By Chun-Ying Chao. My experience at the COLDEX Leadership Workshop at Brown University.

Picture of a Rice Owl

The Buckyball—A fortuitous discovery or a clever realization? Friday, Aug. 23, 2024

By Alan Covarrubias. This story kicks off with a blend of art and a spark of inspiration.

Entree Fondue from Melting Pot

Houston Restaurant Weeks: Indulge In the Gourmet Meals At Fine-Dining Restaurants With Discounted Prices While Helping the Community Friday, Aug. 23, 2024

By Rui Liu. Do not miss this biggest foodie event in Houston!

Cup of Coffee on a desk.

Exploring Houston One Cup At A Time Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024

By Isha Chakraborty. My mission is to study in every great Houston cafe and below are a few of my current favorites!

Grad Student Daziyah Sullivan

Make It Personal Monday, Aug. 19, 2024

By Daziyah Sullivan: Writing a personal statement that matches a non-conforming personality.

Steve standing in front of Lovett Hall.

Graduate Student at Rice University During the Summer Monday, Aug. 19, 2024

By Arthur Steve Tchoneteck. Here’s a glimpse into what life is like for Rice graduate students during the summer months.

Dinora and other students in her lab.

Starting Fresh: Entering my first year in a brand new lab Friday, Aug. 16, 2024

By Dinora Rodriguez: This is my journey of how I chose my lab and what it was like having to set it up from scratch.


Enjoying Houston Ballet Friday, Aug. 16, 2024

By Asahi Obata. One of my favorite things about living in Houston is having opportunities to enjoy ballet performances and take ballet lessons!

American Insurance!

Navigating Health Insurance in the U.S.: The Basics Friday, Aug. 16, 2024

By Salpy Kanimian. Are there any more little details I should know about the healthcare plan?

Photos of Natalie in Houston.

Rice Life Unveiled: An African’s Houston Diary Friday, Aug. 16, 2024

By Natalie Kokroko. A Ghanaian’s Perspective on Life at Rice and in Houston

Cup of Coffee

The Many Cafes of Houston Friday, Aug. 16, 2024

By Rodolfo Cantu. A condensed guide to notable coffee places found in Houston, near Rice and far.


The Art of Matcha Friday, Aug. 16, 2024

By Sofia Urbina. My favorite Matcha places in Houston


Animal Encounters in Houston Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024

By Robyn Alba. Alligators, bats, capybaras and more: affordable activities for animal enthusiasts!

African Markets

A taste of Africa in Houston: Discovering African Markets around Rice University Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024

By Andrews Gyane. If you're journeying through the vibrant city of Houston, searching for a slice of Africa to spice up your culinary adventures, or finding a taste of home, you're in luck!

Notion Logo

How I get my life together with Notion—quite literally Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024

By Alan Covarrubias. In this blog, I will list the top 5 most important benefits I have seen using Notion for my personal and professional needs!

Picture from Ice Cream Shop

A One-Woman Adventure: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024

By Carly Graverson. What can I say? I love ice cream!


Go Fast Alone, or Go Far Together — the Power of International Education and Collaboration Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024

The Power of International Education and Collaboration

Daniela Yano and her teammates.

How a Club Sport Helped My Transition to Rice Wednesday, Jul. 3, 2024

By Daniela Hikari Yano. Making friends in graduate school through club sports

Student riding on a scooter on Rice's campus.

Houston Without a Car: How to Navigate Rice University and Beyond Wednesday, Jul. 3, 2024

By Facundo Arredondo. Here are some tips I have learned about moving around in Houston and Rice University.

Aerial Picture of Rice University

Why I Chose Rice for Graduate School Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2024

By Arthur Steve Tchoneteck. Choosing a graduate school like Rice University offers numerous advantages due to its exceptional qualities, diverse programs, student body, city environment, and other opportunities.

Graduate Student Ambassadors

My Journey as a Graduate Student Ambassador Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2024

By Arthur Steve Tchoneteck. Being a Graduate Student Ambassador at Rice University entails serving as a representative and advocate for the graduate student community.

Networking Picture

Play the Network Effect Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2024

By Juan Segundo Hevia. Networking: The Missing Task in the Arrival Checklist!


A One-Woman Adventure: Exploring Houston’s Pizza Scene Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2024

By Carly Graverson. Below are 7 pizzerias that Carly believes are on their way to making Houston a “pizza city.”

Buffalo Bayou

A Runner’s Guide to Houston Saturday, Jun. 8, 2024

By Annie Finneran. Routes and tips for the heat and sprawl


How to Make Your Own Academic Website Friday, Jun. 7, 2024

By Emily Elia. Having a personal website is crucial for academics to showcase their CV, research, teaching, and projects, as it provides essential information for colleagues and increases awareness of their work and brand.

Students on scooters.

Introduction to the International Buddy Program (IBP) at Rice Friday, Jun. 7, 2024

By Yuya Nakatani. The International Buddy Program (IBP) is a mentorship program designed to support incoming international students who are about to start their graduate life at Rice University.

19 Rice University affiliated students named GEM Fellows

19 Rice University affiliated students named GEM Fellows Tuesday, May. 7, 2024

By Jennifer Hunter. GEM helps students identify opportunities for career pathways, and supports them in securing funding for graduate education.

Marcela Aguilar, Rice Business Ph.D. student

Business graduate student named Deloitte Foundation fellow Friday, Apr. 26, 2024

By Jones School of Business. The Deloitte Foundation Doctoral Fellowship is a highly esteemed honor.

The WIL Cohort in 2024

Embracing Growth: My journey in the 2023-2024 Women in Leadership cohort Friday, Apr. 19, 2024

By Michelle Duran Chaves. The Doerr Institute for New Leaders has shaped my journey through my Ph.D. program.

Student writing on a white board.

From Scholar to Startup: Navigating Entrepreneurship as a Ph.D. Student at Rice University Friday, Apr. 5, 2024

By Carly Graverson. Starting a business as a non-business Ph.D. student can be a daunting yet rewarding endeavor.

Faculty, staff, and graduate students in a reading group session on Small Teaching by James Lang.

Getting Teaching Experience While in Grad School: Rice’s Center for Excellence Friday, Apr. 5, 2024

By Fernanda Morales-Calva. The goal of the CTE at Rice University is “[to foster] outstanding teaching through evidence-based practices, strong community building, and research in pedagogical sciences.”

Students typing on their computers.

Unleashing Productivity: Essential Technology and Tools for Graduate Students Friday, Apr. 5, 2024

By Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Technology is your friend. Take maximum advantage of it during your graduate studies!

RUPD officers at the Graduate Student Resource Fair

Inaugural Graduate Student Resource Fair brings Student Resources to the Grad Bubble Thursday, Mar. 14, 2024

By Carrie Willard. Graduate Student Resource Fair brings resources to the Grad Bubble.

Graduate Student Housing

Finding Home Away from Home: The Rice Graduate Student Housing Experience Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2024

By Bohan Zhang. I live in Rice Graduate Student Housing and here are the reasons why I love it!

Fulbrighters in the EPMP program

For Fulbrighters in the Engineering Professional Master’s Program, Rice is home away from home Monday, Mar. 4, 2024

Six international Fulbright students share how EPMP nurtures their career aspirations in a culturally rich environment.

The Maad Lamb Cuisine

Houston’s Northwest China Cuisine Map Monday, Feb. 26, 2024

By Bohan Zhang. Northwest cuisine encapsulates the rich flavors of the northwestern region of China, encompassing areas such as Xinjiang, Gansu, Shaanxi, Qinghai, and Ningxia, among others.

Lovett Hall aerial view

Message from Provost Dittmar and Dean Matsuda re: 2024-2025 Doctoral Stipend Increase Friday, Feb. 16, 2024

Beginning Fall Semester 2024, graduate support over 12 months will increase to a minimum of $34,000.

Fariha presenting at the BMES Conference!

Preparing for and Giving a Presentation at My First BIG Conference (BMES) Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024

By Fariha Ahmad. Preparing to give a presentation at a conference can be intimidating the first time you do it. Here are some personal experiences from my first conference!

Photo of Owl on Rice Campus

Rice Students Soar to New Heights: Expanding Horizons Scholarship Winners Announced Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024

By Cam Zapater. Designed to positively impact the community, these awards range from $2,000 to $6,000.

Students on Rice Campus

Twelve Students Excel and Earn Wagoner Foreign Study Scholarship Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024

By Cam Zapater. The awards vary from $2,000 to $5,000 and will provide funding for research abroad.

Downtown Houston during rush hour!

Living in Houston Without a Car? Yes, it’s Possible! Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024

By Manuel Carmona Pichardo. The pedestrian guide to surviving and thriving in Houston without a car of your own.

David Solti in NASA

Navigating the Cosmos: A Chemistry Graduate's Journey to NASA Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024

By Carly Graverson. Carly interviews David Solti, a recent Rice graduate, about his job as a flight controller at NASA.

Comic from PhD Comics

Fantastic STEM PhD Fellowships and Where to Find Them (Part 2- A Personal Experience) Friday, Jan. 12, 2024

By Sathvik Ajay Iyengar. As an international Ph.D. student (Indian Citizen), I have navigated the challenging landscape of fellowship applications and successfully secured two prestigious fellowships!

Someone pondering how they can be more compelling!

Fantastic STEM PhD Fellowships and Where to Find Them (and how to win them too!) Friday, Jan. 12, 2024

By Sathvik Ajay Iyengar. In this blog, we will delve into the intricate world of PhD fellowships, exploring eligibility criteria, application processes, and shedding light on my journey as an international PhD student.

Take the Cake Winner

Take the Cake: A Sweet Celebration of Major Fellowship Winners Thursday, Jan. 4, 2024

By Cam Zapater. The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies recognizes the accomplishments of graduate students and postdocs who have earned major fellowships, commemorating their success with a special cake.

Graduate Student Fernanda Morales Calva

Cheese and Quackers: A Cheesy Celebration for Our Graduates Thursday, Jan. 4, 2024

By Cam Zapater. At this event, the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has acknowledged fall graduates who have successfully defended their theses.

Image of fall leaves and golden hour on campus

Mental Health Resources at Rice and Beyond Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023

By: Dinora N. Rodriguez. To be our best selves, we must maintain our mental health, just as we maintain our physical health through exercise and regular checkups.

Pink azalea hedges with a sunrise behind them.

Feeling Overwhelmed in Grad School? Mindfulness May Be the Answer! Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023

By: Carly Graverson. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily grad school routine can serve as a powerful antidote to feeling overwhelmed, offering clarity and resilience in the face of challenges.

Double Cooked Pork Slices/GuoBaoRou, taken at the Lucky Bento VIP Cuisine by the Blog author

Houston’s Northern China Cuisine Map Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023

By Bohan Zhang. Houston boasts numerous restaurants where you can savor the flavors of northern China! 

Rosa Guerra-Resendez and Chun-Ying Chao of Rice University

Two Ph.D. students selected to participate in Global Young Scientists Summit Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023

Rosa Guerra-Resendez and Chun-Ying Chao will travel to Singapore for the STEM summit.

Houston Sunset

Work-Life Balance in Graduate School Monday, Nov. 13, 2023

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. In this blog, I will discuss the importance of work-life balance in graduate school, including some common barriers and practical tips to help establish this balance.

Chinese Cuisine

Houston’s Southern China Cuisine Map Friday, Nov. 3, 2023

By Bohan Zhang. This blog will introduce the characteristics of different regional cuisines in Southern China, and I'll recommend restaurants that I find authentic.

House of Pies Milkshake

Where to find delicious food in HTX! Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023

By: Esther Jimenez. In this blog, I'll explore fantastic food options around the Rice campus for those without transportation and share my favorite coffee shops and restaurants outside the outer loop worth the drive.

Downtown Houston with I-59 in the foreground. It is sunset.

Exploring Historic Houses in Houston Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023

By Bohan Zhang. With stories hidden behind the elegant facades, these historic houses were living testaments to Houston’s past, offering visitors a captivating journey through time.

Hipopotamos en el Lago Hipopotamo del Parque de atracciones Hacienda Nápoles

Hipopótamos en Colombia: Otra Historia para Contar Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023

By: Alejandra Osejo-Varona. Esta es la historia de Diego y Marcela, una de las familias que conviven con los hipopótamos en los terrenos de la antigua Hacienda Nápoles.

Hippos in the Hippo Lake of Hacienda Nápoles Amusement Park

Chocolate Nápoles: Another Story to Tell about Hippos, Drug Trafficking and Violence in Colombia Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023

By: Alejandra Osejo Varona. This is the story of Diego and Marcela, who belong to one of the families that live near the hippos on the grounds of the former Hacienda Nápoles, a large farm owned by drug trafficker Pablo Escobar.

Sam Houston

Day Trip from Rice: Immerse Yourself in Texas History Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023

By Bohan Zhang. Houston and its surrounding areas are home to numerous historic sites that offer a deep dive into the Lone Star State’s rich history.

Student playing the violin.

A Graduate Student's Guide to Harmonizing Academia and Art Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023

By Sathvik Iyengar. In this blog post, we'll explore six ways to seamlessly fit music and arts into your graduate student life, with a personalized touch on my experiences.

Students in a classroom setting.

Seizing the Opportunities for Graduate Students at Rice University Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. This blog explores growth opportunities for graduate students, including the Doerr Institute, Career Development, Wellbeing and Counseling Center, and other key resources.

A professor lecturing to his students.

For Humanities Applicants: How to Contact Potential Advisors Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023

By Bohan Zhang. Humanities Ph.D. programs differ by having students work with a committee rather than rotating in research groups, impacting how they contact potential advisors; here’s tailored advice for applicants.

Sathvik Ajay Iyengar, Rice University Graduate Student Ambassador

Ph.D. student in MSNE lands fellowship in Japan Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023

Iyengar supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Rice faculty at the graduate graduation.

Questions for a potential advisor and their research team! Monday, Sep. 11, 2023

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Manuel explores essential questions to pose to both the principal investigator (PI) and the students in the research group before deciding to join them.

GCURS 2022 Participants

My GCURS Experience: Presenting Your Research Monday, Sep. 11, 2023

By Carly Graverson. Carly provides us with advice on how to get our presentation ready for GCURS.


Exploring Paradise: A Summer of Research in Moorea Thursday, Aug. 31, 2023

By Carly E. Karrick. In Moorea, Carly conducts research on microalgae that inhabit the coral species belonging to the Symbiodiniaceae family.

Cat in a Lab

Lab Rotation in Grad School: Full Explanation and Tips Friday, Aug. 18, 2023

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. Manuel explores how lab rotations work in a cohort-based graduate program.

Graduate Student Orientation

Navigating the Hidden Curriculum of Graduate School Friday, Aug. 18, 2023

By: Carly Graverson. Carly explores factors that shape students' educational journey, going beyond the confines of the formal curriculum.

A 2022 GCURS Presentation

My GCURS Experience: Application Tips and Tricks Friday, Aug. 18, 2023

By: Carly Graverson. Carly provides you with an exclusive look into the process of applying for Rice's undergraduate research symposium.

2022 GCURS participants in the Rice U Grad commons

My GCURS Experience Friday, Aug. 18, 2023

By: Carly Graverson. Carly explores what GCURS is and provides insights into the application process, drawing from her own experiences.

Mert in Comicpalooza

The Weekend Has Arrived! What can you plan in H-Town? Friday, Aug. 18, 2023

By: Mert Akman. Mert shares his top activities that capture this city's spirit, from sports games and concerts to festivals, dining out, and exploring Houston's natural attractions.

Student walking under an archway.

To Grad or Not to Grad: My Personal Story Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023

By: Manuel Carmona Pichardo. In this blog, Manuel shares his journey to graduate school, hoping to inspire and answer questions about choosing the right program.

Lovett Hall

Journey to Graduate Study in the U.S. (English Version) Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023

By Wei-Hao Lee (李偉豪). Wei-Hao recounts their path to studying in the United States.

Aerial Picture of Rice University

Journey to Graduate Study in the U.S. (Chinese Version) Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023

By Wei-Hao Lee (李偉豪). 魏浩讲述了赴美留学的历程。

Rice University at Sunset

美國研究所申請經驗與我在萊斯大學的旅程 Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023

謝嘉 | 博士候選人,萊斯大學生命科學系生態與演化生物學博士學程

Rice University

Applying to U.S. Graduate Schools and My Journey to Rice University Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023

By Chia Hsieh. If one's career plan leans towards academic research or working in foreign companies, applying for a Ph.D. or Master's program overseas can be an excellent option.

Students holding up their drawings.

Research and Explorations in Community Ecology Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023

By Julieanne Montaquila. Through the Expanding Horizons Scholarship, Julieanne traveled to Madagascar to conduct research on the vulnerability of our ecosystems.

Christoph with his cello.

Exploring the Unseen Strains – A Deep Dive into Research on Musician Injuries Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023

By Christoph Wagner. With the support of the Expanding Horizons Scholarship, Christoph was afforded the opportunity to travel to Paraguay to research injuries that affect musicians.

Maria Barra and Alexis Wilkinson trip to Mozambique

Understanding Cervical Cancer in Mozambique: A Research Expedition Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023

By Maria Barra and Alexis Wilkinson. Through the Expanding Horizons fellowship we were able to travel to Mozambique to evaluate novel HPV detection tests.

Annie Finneran with field assistant Randall

Reflections on a summer of research in Costa Rica Tuesday, Jul. 11, 2023

By Annie Finneran. I am proud to say this was a successful field season. Overall, I have nearly 8,000 wildlife photos and over 800 hours of recordings.

Eliana Cadena Semanate, Rice grad student and Fulbrighter, and Sarah Glass

Journey to Ecuador: Empowering Communities with Clean Water Sunday, Jul. 9, 2023

By Eliana Cadena Semanate and Sarah Glass. On our first of four workdays we hiked many miles of mountainous terrain to visit the sources of the community’s water.

Lego Shakespeare ponders the grad school experience.

To Grad School or Not to Grad School: Weighing the Pros and Cons Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2023

By Manuel Carmona Pichardo. At a crossroads with your decision? Let's dissect and discuss the five most talked-about “pros” of grad school.

The Graduate Student Ambassadors go bowling! Rice University grad student Chun-Ying Chao is pictured.

From strangers to friends: making connections in grad school Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2023

By Chun-Ying Chao. I still remember the night I received the graduate school admission offer. It was midnight in Taiwan, and I was too excited to sleep.

GEM logo superimposed over an image of Lovett Hall, backed by fireworks.

20 Rice University affiliated students named GEM Fellows Wednesday, May. 10, 2023

GEM has helped thousands of students in engineering and natural sciences identify opportunities for career pathways in industry and academia, and supported them in securing funding for graduate education.

Image of an open book

Life as a Muslim Student in Houston Tuesday, May. 9, 2023

By Fariha Ahmad. Life as a Muslim student away from family and home can feel lonely. Here are some ways to connect with the Muslim community in Houston.

Image of medication

Managing Chronic Illness as a Ph.D. Student Tuesday, May. 9, 2023

By Fariha Ahmad. Maintaining your health during your graduate career can be difficult; here are my tips for how to do both.

delicious food displayed at Rice Culture Night. The GSA logo can be seen on a mask in the background.

Finding community as a graduate student Tuesday, May. 9, 2023

By Sathvik Iyengar. Building a sense of community on campus is crucial for graduate students to thrive academically and personally.

A cup of coffee on an orange saucer sits on a wooden desk. A laptop is seen in the upper corner of the screen.

International Focus: Ten Tips on connecting with potential advisers Tuesday, May. 9, 2023

By Sathvik Iyengar. How do you go about contacting a professor who could potentially be your adviser?

Rice University

What to Expect When Moving to Houston Thursday, Apr. 27, 2023

By Niklas Gross. I had to ask myself: What would it actually be like to live in Texas, especially in a city like Houston?

Rice University

Grad student life at Rice: Joshua Moore connects with advocacy and Houston Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2023

Joshua Moore is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Biochemistry and Cell Biology program at Rice University.

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Phelecia Scotland Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2023

Scotland shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Joshua Moore Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2023

Moore shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Kashif Liaqat Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2023

Liaqat shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Madelyn Castro Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2023

Castro shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students


Women in STEM Program at Rice University - Cooperation between the US, Japan, and Taiwan Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2023

Five students from National Taiwan University and National Chung-Hsing University enjoyed an incredible opportunity to participate in the Female STEM @ Rice University-MACHI program.

NSF GRFP logo on a gray background.

GPS Fellowship Coaching Program helps grad students win NSF fellowships Sunday, Apr. 16, 2023

Graduate Research Fellowships granted to 32 Rice-affiliated students for 2023; another 6 awarded honorable mention.

Rice University

How RCEL Enriched My Ph.D. Career (And I’m Not Even an Engineer!) Thursday, Apr. 13, 2023

By Carly Graverson

Rice University

Setting a Syllabus for the Post-Exam Semesters Thursday, Apr. 13, 2023

By Nina Cook: Graduate school is hard – but it helps to have a plan.

Rice University

Presenting at Your First Conference Presentation Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023

By Karyssa Courey

Rice University

Quick & Cheap Eats around Rice—My Favorite Spots in my First Year Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023

By Viraj Ghosh: Grad school is hard work, and fueling up is important. If you’re looking for quick and delicious meals close to Rice, here are some of my favorite spots!

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Lucas Hildebrand Pires da Cunha Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023

Hildebrand Pires da Cunha shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Candela Cicinelli Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023

Cicinelli shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Yingru Song Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2023

Yingru Song shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Daziyah Sullivan Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2023

Sullivan shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Astrid Campos Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2023

Campos shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Sadie Brasel Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2023

Brasel shares their interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Victoria Granja Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2023

Granja shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Viraj Ghosh Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2023

Ghosh shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Transitioning to Graduate Life pt. 2 Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Viraj Ghosh: Transitioning to graduate life isn’t always easy. Here are some of the things that I didn’t expect and had to learn as I uprooted to move from California to Houston!

Rice University

Transitioning to Graduate Life pt. 1 Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Viraj Ghosh: Transitioning to graduate life isn’t always easy. Here are some of the things that I didn’t expect and had to learn as I uprooted to move from California to Houston!

Rice University

How to Create a Work-Life Balance in Grad School Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Joshua Samba: Wondering how to have a life when all you have time for is work? Here are 3 great tips for establishing a healthy work-life balance!

Rice University

Finding Your People in Grad School Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Joshua Samba: Starting a new journey is scary, and doing it alone is even scarier; here are some tips to help you build community to make the transition easier.

Buckyball 2020 with friends and fellow first year grad students.

What I Wish I Knew as a First Year Ph.D. Student Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Jeannette Ingabire: 4th year SSPB student Jeannette Ingabire shares some advice she would give to herself when she started graduate school.

Rice University

Finding a Ph.D. advisor Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Onyekachi Idigo: Picking a school and program is not the only decision you will have to make during your graduate school search process.

Rice University

Advice From the Future: What I Wish I Knew as a First-Year Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Joshua Samba: I went through it so you wouldn’t have to; here are my 5 top tips for surviving grad school!

Rice University

The Hidden Treasures at Rice that a New Graduate Student Should Know Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Bohan Zhang: After thinking back to my first semester as a Rice graduate, here is the advice that I would give myself...

Rice University

Applying to Grad School 101 Friday, Mar. 31, 2023

By Fernanda Morales Calva

Rice University

Feel like a fraud?: How to combat Imposter Syndrome Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

By Nina Cook: Imposter Syndrome happens to the us all, but it does not define us.

Rice University

Healthy Habits for a P.E.A.C.E.-Full Life Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

By: Nina Cook: It is never too late to start a new habit!

Rice University

Crumbling Ph.D. Science Down to the High-School Level Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

By: Sathvik Iyengar: During Summer 2022, the Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering (IBB) at Rice University renewed its Summer Academy Program (SAST) for High School Students after a nearly 2-year COVID-induced lacuna.

Rice University

Teaching During a Pandemic Thursday, Mar. 30, 2023

By: Sathvik Iyengar: Through one of the courses (UNIV501: Research on Teaching and Learning), as a part of the Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning at Rice, I explore a question that has been nagging academics for a while now:

Rice University

What’s Next after Graduate School? Wednesday, Mar. 29, 2023

By: Njideka (Syndi) Nnorom: Graduating may be the end goal, but the journey truly begins after you cross the stage.

Rice University

A Day in the Life while Visiting Madagascar Wednesday, Mar. 29, 2023

Rice's Ecology Ph.D. student Daniel Gorczynski provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Madagascar to further research

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Debadrita Jana Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Jana shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Elsa Acosta de Anda Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Acosta de Anda shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Jeannette Ingabire Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Ingabire shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Neethu Pottackal Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Pottackal shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Niklas Gross Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Gross shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Marc-Ansy Laguerre Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Laguerre shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Dallas Havens Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Havens shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Alina Chow Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Chow shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Vinod Kumar Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Kumar shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Ying Chen Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Chen shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Fariha Ahmad Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Ahmad shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Autumn Bruncz Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

Bruncz shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Carlos Taveras Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Taveras shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Robin Mo Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Mo shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Onyekachi Idigo Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Idigo shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Ahmad Elgazzar Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Elgazzar shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Edgar Ruiz Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Edgar Ruiz shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Wei-Hao Lee Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Lee shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Karyssa Courey Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Courey shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Bohan Zhang Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Zhang shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Baifu Chen Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Chen shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Jason Uwaeze Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Uwaeze shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Chi Hun “Will” Choi Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Choi shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Rosa Selenia Guerra-Resendez Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Guerra-Resendez shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Mirae Sunny Kim Thursday, Mar. 16, 2023

Kim shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Chia Hsieh Wednesday, Mar. 15, 2023

Hsieh shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students


Learning Black history in Houston’s Fourth Ward Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023

Students and members of the Rice community visited the Rutherford B.H. Yates Museum in Freedmen’s Town as part of Rice’s Black History Month programming.


Rice graduate studies office throws ‘Night at the Museum’ bash Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023

Rice’s Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies hosted its annual “A Night at the Museum” graduate student recruitment event at the Houston Museum of Natural Science’s Morian Hall of Paleontology.


Religious Diversity Management at Rice Monday, Feb. 27, 2023

By Ubong-Abasi Akpan: No matter your religious denomination, there is a place for you at Rice!


Selecting Your Master’s Thesis Committee Members Monday, Feb. 27, 2023

By Karyssa Courey: Selecting a thesis committee is like completing a puzzle! Every piece of this process is very valuable to have the right fit for your committee!


Requesting a Recommendation Letter Monday, Feb. 27, 2023

By Daziyah Sullivan: You know who you want to request a letter of rec from, but it’s the asking that’s the stressor now. Have no fear, that’s what this blog is about!

Emily Elia

Conducting Fieldwork in Graduate School Monday, Feb. 27, 2023

5th year graduate student Emily Elia shares some advice for conducting dissertation fieldwork during grad school

Rice resources

Rice resources that will make you a better Ph.D. student Monday, Feb. 27, 2023

By Robin Mo: a Ph.D. is more than just research


How to Prepare for Your First Year as a Bioengineering Ph.D. Student Monday, Feb. 27, 2023

By Fariha Ahmad: Balancing rotations, classes, and a work-life balance can sound difficult... here is whats in store and how to manage it.

Rice University

What to Expect and Do on a Ph.D. Visiting Weekend (and What Questions to Ask!) Friday, Feb. 17, 2023

By Carly Graverson: To make sure you make the best decision, here is what to expect and do on a Ph.D. visiting weekend.


Applying to Rice as a Fulbrighter Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023

By Fernanda Morales: So, you’ve gotten a Fulbright to complete graduate studies in the United States… Now what?


Q&A: Where and When to Work Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023

By Nina Cook: Are you managing time or is time managing you?

Vanessa Espinoza

Grad student life at Rice: Vanessa Espinoza gets a Ph.D. at her dream school Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023

Dr. Vanessa Espinoza is a recent Ph.D. graduate from the Chemistry program at Rice University.

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Rodrigo Ibarra

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Rodrigo Ibarra Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023

Ibarra shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Michelle Durán-Chaves

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Michelle Durán-Chaves Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023

Durán-Chaves shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Joshua Samba

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Joshua Samba Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023

Samba shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Carly Graverson

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Carly Graverson Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023

Graverson shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Ubong-Abasi Akpan

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Ubong-Abasi Akpan Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023

Akpan shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Sathvik Ajay Iyengar

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Sathvik Ajay Iyengar Monday, Jan. 23, 2023

Iyengar shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Nhi Le

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Nhi Le Monday, Jan. 23, 2023

Le shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Marquise Bell

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Marquise Bell Monday, Jan. 23, 2023

Bell shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Nina Cook

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Nina Cook Monday, Jan. 23, 2023

Cook shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Ellie Chen

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Ellie Chen Monday, Jan. 23, 2023

Chen shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Fernanda Morales-Calva

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Fernanda Morales-Calva Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023

Morales-Calva shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Emily Elia

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Emily Elia Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023

Elia shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Njideka "Syndi" Nnorom

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Njideka "Syndi" Nnorom Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023

Nnorom shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Utana Umezaki

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Utana Umezaki Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023

Umezaki shares her interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice graduate student ambassador Chun-Ying Chao

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Chun-Ying Chao Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023

Chao shares his interest, experience, and advice to prospective graduate students

Rice University

Rice Awards Expanding Horizons Scholarships to nine graduate students Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023

Award amounts range from $2,000 - $6,000 and will support research

Rice University

LA Communities & Site Visits Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023

Rice's English Ph.D. students Sonia Del Hierro and Sophia Martinez Abbud provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Los Angeles to further research

Rice University

Forming a Community: Travel to Los Angeles Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023

Rice's English Ph.D. students Sonia Del Hierro and Sophia Martinez Abbud provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Los Angeles to further research

Rice University

Rice Awards Wagoner Scholarships to 14 graduate students Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023

Award amounts range from $2,000 - $5,000 and will support research abroad

Rice University

Reflections on a Successful Field Season Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Eric Wuesthoff provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Madagascar to further research

Rice University

PEOPLE! - The Backbone of Science & Conservation Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Eric Wuesthoff provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Madagascar to further research


Seven Weeks in Madagascar Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Eric Wuesthoff provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Madagascar to further research


Beginning Fieldwork as a PhD Student Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Eric Wuesthoff provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Madagascar to further research

Rice University

Peasant Struggles for an Inclusive Future in the Colombian High Mountains Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022

By Alejandra Osejo Varona - Graduate Student -Ph.D. Anthropology

Rice University

US names two Rice students inaugural Quad Fellows Monday, Dec. 12, 2022

Utana Umezaki, Sathvik Ajay Iyengar among 100 invited to multinational scholarship program.


Seiichi Matsuda receives top honors for leadership in graduate education Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022

Rice Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Seiichi Matsuda has been named the recipient of the 2022 Debra W. Stewart Award for Outstanding Leadership in Graduate Education


So Long and Thanks for All the Fish Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Robert Laroche provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Niger, Africa to further research


Sauropod Island Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Robert Laroche provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Niger, Africa to further research


A Third of the Way Through Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Robert Laroche provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Niger, Africa to further research


Fish in the Desert Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Robert Laroche provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Niger, Africa to further research


Three Holotypes and a Cow Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Robert Laroche provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Niger, Africa to further research


Start of an Adventure Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Rice's Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. student Robert Laroche provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Niger, Africa to further research


Hot Science at Cordón Caulle Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Rice's Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Ph.D. student Patrick Phelps provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to Chile to further research

take the cake

The Sweetest Treat: 'Take the Cake' Annual Celebration of Fellowship Winners Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Rice's fellowship winners bring sweet tooths to the annual 'Take the Cake' celebration

south korea

Trip to South Korea, Thanks to the Expanding Horizons Fellowship! Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022

Rice's Economics Ph.D. student Ji-Hee Lee provides 'a day in the life' for their trip to South Korea to further research

Sunrise over Lovett Hall

Rice raises its minimum Ph.D. stipend to $32,000, increases Adams-Moseley Loan Monday, Nov. 28, 2022

The changes will take effect July 1.

Arch in Lovett Hall Cloisters

EducationUSA advances Rice's global presence to prospective students Friday, Nov. 18, 2022

EducationUSA makes it easier to connect to Rice University, explore graduate opportunities and application process


Grad student life at Rice: Njideka "Syndi" Nnorom mixes research with a purpose Friday, Nov. 18, 2022

Njideka Nnorom (Syndi) is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering program at Rice University.

Rice University

Rice Business No. 1 for entrepreneurship, No. 5 for online MBA Friday, Nov. 18, 2022

Rice Business received top billing on two prominent lists rating academic excellence.


Hippos in Colombia: What to do with them? Friday, Nov. 18, 2022

By Alejandra Osejo Varona - Graduate Student -Ph.D. Anthropology

Rice, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur commit to cooperate on research

Rice, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur commit to cooperate on research Monday, Nov. 14, 2022

Energy, environment, health, computer science among initiatives for Rice-IITK Collaborative Center

Rosa Selenia Guerra Resendez

Grad student life with Rosa Selenia Guerra Resendez Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022

Rosa Selenia Guerra Resendez is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Systems, Synthetic and Physical Biology program.

Expanding Horizons Fellowship - Coffee Production in Colombia

Expanding Horizons Fellowship - Coffee Production in Colombia Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022

By Carlos Andrade: Modeling and analyzing the processes necessary to increase organic coffee production in Colombia.

Fireworks over the Sallyport

Rice University to offer doctoral application fee waivers to all eligible students Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022

Eligible students can request their free application fee waiver through Nov. 6.

swimming pool at night on the Rice University campus.

Staying Physically Active in Graduate School Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022

By Carly Graverson: Activity improves physical, emotional, and mental health during grad school!

Rice University

Off-Campus Housing Resources for International Students Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022

By Chun-Ying Chao: Finding the right place to stay does not have to be a scavenger hunt!

Rice Owl in situ

Keep a Running List of Your Accomplishments Wednesday, Sep. 28, 2022

By Daziyah Sullivan: You have so many accomplishments, big and small. Everything about you has led you here.

writing from a blank slate

Writing your first (second? third?) paper Monday, Sep. 5, 2022

By Ivan Rosa de Siqueira: The concept of a “good” paper is obviously variable, yet, scientific writing overall relies on a number of common, basic roots.

Summer undergrad Research

Why do summer undergrad research? Monday, Sep. 5, 2022

By Ying Chen: Undergrad research experience gave me the confidence to apply for graduate school!

International love!

Coming to Rice as an international student Monday, Sep. 5, 2022

By Utana Umezaki: Rice is always welcoming international students and has many cultural events/communities that you can be part of!

A university classroom

Managing Time Without Classes Monday, Sep. 5, 2022

By Emily Elia: Imposing structure onto your schedule is one way to bring more organization back into your life.

Rice's Graduate Student Ambassadors in Downtown Houston

Reach out to a Graduate Student Ambassador! Monday, Sep. 5, 2022

By Daziyah Sullivan: So, you’re interested in finding a university, but how do you find out what it’s like to actually be a student at that university?

Johanna Castellanos of Colombia and Ekaterina Trimbach of Russia

Rice University Culture: From an International Student’s Perspective Monday, Aug. 15, 2022

Johanna Castellanos of Colombia and Ekaterina Trimbach of Russia share their experience with Rice's unique culture.

A sunset over Lovett Hall and the Texas Medical Center at Rice University

Rice is now GRE-optional, will grant fee waivers to graduates of Texas schools Thursday, Jul. 21, 2022

Rice Graduate Studies is not requiring the GRE for 2023 admission, but will provide students with the option of submitting those scores

Samantha Yruegas

GCURS alumna joins Rice University faculty Monday, May. 30, 2022

Samantha Yruegas first visited Rice to speak at GPS' Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium about a decade ago.

Row of lightbulbs, all the same - except one is lit!

Interviewing with potential Ph.D. advisors Monday, May. 23, 2022

By Daziyah Sullivan: So, you're interviewing with advisors? Why not try to be yourself? Daziyah shares her advice to students looking to leave a lasting impression.

Hands hold a telephone and a compass on a table topped by a map. A croissant and a cup of coffee are on the table nearby.

Rice Awards Wagoner Scholarships to six graduate students Friday, May. 6, 2022

Award amounts range from $2,000 - $15,000 and will support research abroad

Eight graduate students win Special Endowed Fellowships, funding

Eight graduate students win Special Endowed Fellowships, funding Wednesday, May. 4, 2022

The selection process for these fellowships is highly competitive and by nomination only.

アメリカ大学院について | About American Graduate School

アメリカ大学院について | About American Graduate School Friday, Apr. 29, 2022

Natsumi Komatsu, graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering shares her advice to Japanese students planning on pursuing a graduate degree in the United States!

Sunset over Lovett Hall

Writing a killer Statement of Purpose Thursday, Apr. 28, 2022

By Ivan Rosa de Siqueira: Learn more about this important component of grad school applications and how you can write an effective SOP!

Students at the 2021 Take the Cake event

NSF awards 38 Graduate Research Fellowships to Rice students Monday, Apr. 25, 2022

The prestigious fellowships are intended to develop the next generation of scientists and engineers through support of their graduate educations.

Fireworks over Lovett Hall

So you’ve accepted your grad school offer…now what? Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2022

What should you be doing after accepting a grad school offer? Walk through the Rice process with us!

Rice University at sunset

US News grad school rankings give high marks to Rice programs Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2022

A total of 19 graduate programs at Rice University rank among the nation’s top 25 in their categories in the latest edition of U.S. News and World Report’s “Best Graduate Schools.”

MECH prospective students and current faculty/students at the Night at the Museum 2022 event at Rice University

'A Night at the Museum' sees triumphant return Monday, Mar. 28, 2022

Nearly 450 guests and 10 departments participated in GPS' annual recruiting event.

Faculty, staff and students at the annual GEM meeting

What does it mean to be a GEM Fellow? Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022

By Daziyah Sullivan. Thinking about applying for a GEM Fellowship? Learn all about the process from a current fellow!

The Graduate Student Commons, outside of Valhalla

Viva Valhalla, Rice's Graduate Student Bar! Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022

By Dan Gorczynski. Loosen that tie, grab a cold drink and get ready to learn all about Rice's own grad student bar, Valhalla!

A colorful series of post its with question marks on them

Grad School: Expectations vs. Reality Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022

By Emily Elia: Tips on how your grad school expectations may change once you're in the thick of things!

People gathered in auditorium for conference

Grad School 101: Making Virtual Conferences work for you Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022

By Emily Elia: Make the most of virtual events in order to develop research and your professional networks!

Colorful bubbles of varying sizes filled with question marks

Grad School 101: What to expect during year one Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022

By Emily Elia: Here are some common things you may experience during your first year of graduate school.

Rice's recruiting weekend. Students in paleontology hall.

Grad School 101: Make visiting weekends work for you Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022

By Emily Elia: Visiting weekends are a great opportunity to get a feel for the culture of a graduate program.

Student in lab working with purple gloves

Grad School 101: Discover your research interests! Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022

By Emily Elia: You can develop your research interests as you navigate grad school.

Fireworks over Lovett Hall

Grad School 101: 4 easy ways to prep for your first year of grad school Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022

By Emily Elia: To prepare for your first year, it's worth it to focus on the logistical aspect of this new life change.

A faculty member congratulates his student upon her doctoral convocation.

Grad School 101: Finding an adviser Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022

By Emily Elia: Finding an adviser that is a good match can have a huge influence on your graduate school experience.

Clara Saitkoulov, Rice University graduate student and violinist

Coincidence leads grad student on musical journey to Rice University Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022

By Jennifer Hunter. Graduate student Clara Saitkoulov describes the coincidences that led her to the Shepherd School of Music, and the opportunities she has had during her studies.

After a storm, the sky over Rice University glows purple, pink, yellow and orange.

Know Your Wellbeing Resources Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022

By Daziyah Sullivan, Wellbeing Director for Rice’s Graduate Student Association.

Image of words on a chalkboard spelling out "What's Your Story"

Grad School 101: Writing the Personal Statement Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022

By Emily Elia: Tips to help make your personal statement as strong as possible!

The Rice University MAHI Lab rising to new heights

Getting involved in Grad School Thursday, Jan. 6, 2022

By Daziyah Sullivan. In graduate school, a strong community and the freedom to pursue your passions are essential to academic success. Read on for Daziyah’s tips to have a fulfilling grad school experience!

Graduate Student Ambassador Daziyah Sullivan

Making the switch from MSI to PWI Monday, Dec. 20, 2021

Current grad student Daziyah Sullivan discusses her experience in switching from a Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) to a predominately White Institution (PWI), and shares her advice for students considering the same.

Students descend on their award cakes in the Grad Commons for GPS' Take the Cake

Students ‘Take the Cake’ in GPS’ largest award ceremony to date Friday, Dec. 10, 2021

Two million calories in cake were distributed at the annual celebration of fellowship winners


'Amazing in every way' Sunday, Oct. 31, 2021

Rice mourns death of Fulbright engineer Ricardo Poveda Calderon

Victoria Granja, Rice University doctoral student and graduate student ambassador

Meet the Ambassadors: Victoria Granja! Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021

A true rockstar - in and out of the lab!

The Chemistry GCURS 2021 participants

Rice hosts undergraduate research symposium, welcomes participants back to the Rice campus Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2021

Rice welcomed scholars from 19 countries and 33 states

Jauhara Ferguson, Rice University Graduate Student and Graduate Student Ambassador

Meet the Ambassadors: Jauhara Ferguson Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021

Jauhara Ferguson found that research can have a big impact on the wellbeing of people around the world.

Students excited to be at the GCURS event in 2019

Rice to host annual undergraduate research symposium Oct. 16 Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2021

Applications are now open. GCURS is open to scholars from around the world and will be held in a hybrid format due to the ongoing pandemic.

A sunset over Lovett Hall and the Texas Medical Center at Rice University

Rice will again go GRE-optional for most grad programs, will grant fee waivers to graduates of Texas schools Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2021

Rice Graduate Studies is not requiring the GRE for Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 admission, but will provide students with the option of submitting those scores

Hands hold a telephone and a compass on a table topped by a map. A croissant and a cup of coffee are on the table nearby.

Rice Awards Wagoner Scholarships to nine graduate students Thursday, Jun. 10, 2021

Award amounts range from $2,000 - $15,000 and will support research abroad

Rubber duck wearing a graduation cap and holding diploma on a green lawn surrounded by daisies

The Mighty Ducks: GPS’ quirky tradition Thursday, Apr. 15, 2021

When students have their ducks in a row, GPS marks the occasion.

hands typing on a white keyboard. A yellow wristwatch lies on a white table nearby.

Writing your thesis: Tips for successful, self-directed progress! Monday, Apr. 12, 2021

By Emily Elia: Words of wisdom about how to stay productive when your work schedule is self-directed.

Marc-Ansy Laguerre, Fulbright Scholar at Rice University

My Experience as a Fulbright Scholar Monday, Mar. 15, 2021

By Marc-Ansy Laguerre: Advice for Prospective International Graduate Students planning to study in the U.S.

Azaleas on the rice university campus

Graduate Student Ambassadors create connections Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021

A dynamic team of Graduate Student Ambassadors share their expertise, experience and wisdom.

Blue film reel on a pink background. To the right, blue text on a pink grid background that says GPS presents "Rice Bytes": Make a movie, get a lunch from GPS!

Rice Bytes - just push play! Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020

Help bring some bite-sized samples of Rice to the masses!

Student in Fondren Library studies his computer screen

Staying current with the latest research Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020

By Emily Elia: How do you make sure you’re on top of new studies? Where do you even begin? Read on for some tips on how to stay current with new research during your time in grad school.

Scantron or standardized test bubble Rice University

Blog Series: Becoming a Fulbrighter - Part IV Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2020

By Santiago Lopez: The standardized tests are without a doubt one of the most stressful parts of applying to Fulbright, and ultimately, to grad school in the U.S.

Image of three cartoon resumes on a bright blue background

Grad School 101: Building your online presence Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2020

By Emily Elia: The internet and social media can be powerful tools when it comes to establishing yourself as a scholar, networking, and promoting your research.

Avenida Houston

Feeling at home in the U.S. Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2020

By Rosa Guerra Resendez: As an international student, coping with homesickness can be tough. Rosa shares her insights on how to feel more at home in the U.S.

Houston, TX at twilight

Grad School 101: The Houston Experience Monday, Oct. 19, 2020

By Emily Elia: Houston has a lot to offer, and the city is a great home during your time at Rice. 

Cell phone showing different options for online social networking

Networking at a (virtual) conference Monday, Oct. 19, 2020

By Rosa Guerra Resendez: Although virtual conferences might seem complicated, there are many ways that you can still network with potential collaborators at these online events.

A student with her adviser

Becoming a Fulbrighter - Part III Monday, Oct. 12, 2020

By Santiago Lopez: Recommenders are the experts that lawyers bring to the trial in support of their final arguments. Organize meetings to show them application materials, and to explain your professional and academic goals

Student writing at a desk

Blog Series: Becoming a Fulbrighter – Part II Monday, Oct. 5, 2020

By Santiago Lopez: How to captivate your readers in your Fulbright statement.

Turrell Skyspace at dusk on the Rice University campus

Preparing for the GRE and English Proficiency Exams Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020

By Rosa Guerra Resendez: Though some schools have gone GRE-optional due to COVID-19 (including Rice), some programs may strongly encourage score submissions.

Azaleas at Rice University

Seven Rice resources to check out now! Thursday, Sep. 24, 2020

By Emily Elia: Rice has a myriad of resources aimed to help its grad students achieve academic success, develop professionally, and enjoy life in Houston.

Professor Angel Marti of Rice University in the lab with his students

Grad School Tips: Finding an adviser Tuesday, Sep. 22, 2020

By Rosa Guerra Resendez: The first step for finding an advisor is to reach out via email, even if you have not been admitted to the program yet.

Sunset off of Old Bainbridge Island

Blog Series: Becoming a Fulbrighter – Part I Monday, Sep. 14, 2020

By Santiago Lopez: My journey to becoming a Fulbright Scholar.

Letters going through the air to a mailbox

Grad School Tips: connecting with faculty Monday, Sep. 14, 2020

By Rosa Guerra Resendez: Tips on how to draft a clear and professional email to address a potential advisor as a grad school applicant.

Astrid Campos in front of Fondren Library on the Rice campus

Realizing a passion for research through GCURS Friday, Sep. 11, 2020

Astrid Campos Mata: “The most important thing is how you can contribute to the world and research is my way to do that.”

Rosa Selenia Guerra Resendez of Rice University

GCURS smooths the way to grad school Friday, Sep. 11, 2020

By Rosa Guerra Resendez: How the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium made it easier to apply to grad school

Students excited to be at the GCURS event in 2019

Rice to host undergraduate research symposium Friday, Sep. 11, 2020

The Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium invites applicants from all over the world to participate in the Oct. 31 virtual symposium.

People in a cartoon zoom meeting

Grad School 101: Tips for TA-ing Virtually Tuesday, Sep. 8, 2020

By Emily Elia: Easy-to-implement tips to help your virtual TA experience run more smoothly this semester.

Sunrise over campus

Rice goes GRE-optional for grad programs, will grant fee waivers to graduates of Texas schools Tuesday, Sep. 8, 2020

Rice joins a number of U.S. graduate programs that have temporarily suspended the GRE requirement.

Collection of papers, pencils, paperclips and an ink spill splashed on a tan background

Grad School 101: Learning from (and through) COVID-19 Tuesday, Sep. 1, 2020

By Emily Elia: Effective strategies for managing your time and your work

Emily Elia, Rice University graduate student

Grad School 101: Why grad school? Emily explains. Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020

By Emily Elia: My journey to grad school - and lessons learned along the way.

Grad students eat pizza in the graduate commons outside Valhalla

Grad School 101: Get to know Rice's student organizations Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020

By Emily Elia: Grad students make up about half of Rice’s student body, and our campus is full of organizations and activities aimed at graduate student life!

Houston Skyline

Grad School 101: Finding Housing in Houston Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020

By Emily Elia: There are a number of different housing options for graduate students in Houston!

Hands typing on a keyboard, illuminated by the screen.

Grad Applications 101: Getting Letters of Rec Wednesday, Jul. 29, 2020

By Emily Elia: Who should you ask for a letter of recommendation? How do you ask?

Marion Donald, photo by Henry Barrett

Donald wins NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship Wednesday, Jul. 22, 2020

Donald will study honeybees and their impact on pollination networks in New Zealand.

Sophia Andaloro of physics and astronomy

Sophia Andaloro first Rice student to win NNSA SSGF fellowship Tuesday, Jul. 21, 2020

Andaloro is the first Rice University student to the prestigious fellowship.

Jaume Plensa talking heads campus art

Grad School 101: How to apply for Academic Fellowships Tuesday, Jul. 21, 2020

By CJ Barberan: A fellowship can provide you the freedom to work on a research area of your choosing.

Cartoon of computer screen with Zoom meeting.

Grad School 101: New Challenges in the time of COVID Tuesday, Jul. 21, 2020

By Emily Elia: What I've learned this fall and how I'm applying it to the spring semester.

Clock and calendar on a blue background

Grad Applications 101: Give yourself time! Tuesday, Jul. 21, 2020

By Emily Elia: For many programs at Rice, applications open on or around September 1 each year.

Jaume Plensa talking heads campus art

Six strategies for staying motivated during the COVID-19 pandemic Thursday, May. 21, 2020

By Emily Elia: Below are some simple tips for staying motivated during this time.

5 simple steps to organizing a virtual journal club

5 simple steps to organizing a virtual journal club Tuesday, May. 5, 2020

By Kim Gonzalez Hohlt '17: An easy way to keep up with your peers and stay in the know about your research area is to start a virtual journal club!

Three Ph.D. grads win NSF postdoctoral fellowships

Three Ph.D. grads win NSF postdoctoral fellowships Monday, May. 4, 2020

Rice to offer new master’s degree in applied chemical sciences

Rice to offer new master’s degree in applied chemical sciences Monday, Apr. 27, 2020

In this together: Rice students, Korean kids forge mutually beneficial bonds 

In this together: Rice students, Korean kids forge mutually beneficial bonds  Friday, Apr. 24, 2020

More than two dozen Rice students win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, funding

More than two dozen Rice students win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, funding Friday, Apr. 17, 2020

Over 30 recipients of this year’s National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships are Rice students, incoming students or alumni.

Finding work-life balance in our work-from-home life

Finding work-life balance in our work-from-home life Wednesday, Apr. 15, 2020

By Emily Elia: We're sharing some popular tactics to improve work-life balance.

Six strategies for staying motivated during the COVID-19 pandemic

Six strategies for staying motivated during the COVID-19 pandemic Monday, Apr. 6, 2020

By Emily Elia: I'm sharing some simple tips for staying motivated during this unusual time.

“I do,” just in time: Newlywed grad students rush to return to Rice from India

“I do,” just in time: Newlywed grad students rush to return to Rice from India Wednesday, Apr. 1, 2020

Tips & Tricks: Virtual thesis defense and submission

Tips & Tricks: Virtual thesis defense and submission Monday, Mar. 30, 2020

Rice grad student releases children’s book on the Big Bang

Rice grad student releases children’s book on the Big Bang Tuesday, Mar. 24, 2020

Bioengineers call for scale-up of COVID-19 testing to academic labs

Bioengineers call for scale-up of COVID-19 testing to academic labs Thursday, Mar. 19, 2020

Denson among winners of Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions

Denson among winners of Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions Monday, Mar. 16, 2020

International grad students host classes for young adults with special needs

International grad students host classes for young adults with special needs Monday, Mar. 2, 2020

Breaking cornbread: Soul Food Luncheon provides comfort, conversation

Breaking cornbread: Soul Food Luncheon provides comfort, conversation Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020

Black History Month at Rice includes returning favorites and new Black Excellence Gala

Black History Month at Rice includes returning favorites and new Black Excellence Gala Monday, Feb. 3, 2020

Rice on pace to double research spending by 2027

Rice on pace to double research spending by 2027 Friday, Jan. 24, 2020

DesRoches named new Rice University Provost

DesRoches named new Rice University Provost Friday, Dec. 13, 2019

Thasneem Banu Frousnoon: Professional Development Powerhouse

Thasneem Banu Frousnoon: Professional Development Powerhouse Friday, Nov. 22, 2019

Hard-working grad students get their just desserts

Hard-working grad students get their just desserts Friday, Nov. 22, 2019

Mentorship as a means to social change

Mentorship as a means to social change Monday, Nov. 18, 2019

Tête-à-Tête with the world

Tête-à-Tête with the world Monday, Nov. 18, 2019

In the spring of 2018, communications specialist Shawna Forney approached grad student Aylin Nazli and said something that made a significant shift in Nazli’s Rice experience.

The Sallyport salsa

The Sallyport salsa Friday, Nov. 1, 2019

CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna speaks at BRC

CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna speaks at BRC Monday, Oct. 28, 2019

Rice’s unconventional approach to big questions attracts diplomat-turned-scholar

Rice’s unconventional approach to big questions attracts diplomat-turned-scholar Monday, Oct. 14, 2019

The world on your plate

The world on your plate Friday, Sep. 27, 2019

Rice hosting undergraduate research symposium Nov. 2

Rice hosting undergraduate research symposium Nov. 2 Thursday, Sep. 12, 2019

Applying to grad school? Three tips from Rice University

Applying to grad school? Three tips from Rice University Tuesday, Sep. 10, 2019

The grad school personal statement: getting it right

The grad school personal statement: getting it right Monday, Sep. 9, 2019

By Emily Elia: When writing your personal statement, start early, think about your audience, and proofread!

How to apply for Academic Fellowships

How to apply for Academic Fellowships Saturday, Sep. 7, 2019

Doerr Institute brightens Rice Memorial Center doors

Doerr Institute brightens Rice Memorial Center doors Wednesday, Sep. 4, 2019

Health & wellness information for students

Health & wellness information for students Tuesday, Sep. 3, 2019

Rice hosts hearty welcomes for newest grad students

Rice hosts hearty welcomes for newest grad students Thursday, Aug. 29, 2019

Hunter, Martin promoted

Hunter, Martin promoted Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019

Matsuda named interim provost

Matsuda named interim provost Monday, Aug. 5, 2019

Rice postdoc wins prestigious Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award

Rice postdoc wins prestigious Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award Monday, Aug. 5, 2019

No experience, no problem for Rice grad student turned top fundraising cyclist

No experience, no problem for Rice grad student turned top fundraising cyclist Monday, Jul. 29, 2019

Fondren adopts new library policies; will launch search & discovery platform

Fondren adopts new library policies; will launch search & discovery platform Wednesday, Jul. 24, 2019

Seoul food: incoming students meet up in South Korea

Seoul food: incoming students meet up in South Korea Monday, Jul. 22, 2019

Choose Development! aims to increase diversity in developmental biology

Choose Development! aims to increase diversity in developmental biology Monday, Jul. 15, 2019

Rice Architecture’s student-produced PLAT Journal earns national recognition

Rice Architecture’s student-produced PLAT Journal earns national recognition Tuesday, Jul. 9, 2019

Fulbright-García Robles scholars meet up in Mexico

Fulbright-García Robles scholars meet up in Mexico Wednesday, Jul. 3, 2019

‘Exceptionally talented’ duo of Rice alumni win prestigious Beckman Fellowships

‘Exceptionally talented’ duo of Rice alumni win prestigious Beckman Fellowships Monday, Jul. 1, 2019

Rice postdoc named to MIT Technology Review's TR35

Rice postdoc named to MIT Technology Review's TR35 Tuesday, Jun. 25, 2019

Fulbright and Rice: Networking to New Experiences

Fulbright and Rice: Networking to New Experiences Friday, Jun. 14, 2019

Postdoc wins $138,000 NSF Research Fellowship in Biology

Postdoc wins $138,000 NSF Research Fellowship in Biology Tuesday, May. 14, 2019

Department administrator, GPS staff members honored with RICE MILE awards

Department administrator, GPS staff members honored with RICE MILE awards Monday, May. 6, 2019

Commencement ceremonies planned for Friday and Saturday

Commencement ceremonies planned for Friday and Saturday Monday, May. 6, 2019

Alumni company participates in entrepreneurship showcase

Alumni company participates in entrepreneurship showcase Monday, May. 6, 2019

Cake walk caps off week of grad-itude

Cake walk caps off week of grad-itude Friday, May. 3, 2019

9 graduate students win Special Endowed Fellowships, funding

9 graduate students win Special Endowed Fellowships, funding Thursday, May. 2, 2019

Rice announces online Master of Computer Science degree

Rice announces online Master of Computer Science degree Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2019

11 honored by GSA for service to grad students

11 honored by GSA for service to grad students Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2019

35 Rice students win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, funding

35 Rice students win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, funding Thursday, Apr. 11, 2019

The Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies to host GRADitude Week

The Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies to host GRADitude Week Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2019

Kate Cross promoted to Associate Dean

Kate Cross promoted to Associate Dean Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2019

Recycled art: Students combat plastic waste by creating ‘coral reef’

Recycled art: Students combat plastic waste by creating ‘coral reef’ Friday, Apr. 5, 2019

Reyes wins $10,000 fellowship from SIOP

Reyes wins $10,000 fellowship from SIOP Wednesday, Apr. 3, 2019

Former Houston Mayor Annise Parker ’78 will be Rice’s 2019 commencement speaker

Former Houston Mayor Annise Parker ’78 will be Rice’s 2019 commencement speaker Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2019

6 Rice graduate programs ranked among top 25

6 Rice graduate programs ranked among top 25 Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2019

GSA Culture Night fills Graduate Commons with food, festivities and fun

GSA Culture Night fills Graduate Commons with food, festivities and fun Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019

Graduate studies: A piece of cake

Graduate studies: A piece of cake Friday, Nov. 30, 2018

Diwali lights up the Grand Hall

Diwali lights up the Grand Hall Monday, Nov. 5, 2018

Olmos wins Outstanding Research Presentation award

Olmos wins Outstanding Research Presentation award Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018

Cornucopia of celebrations coming to campus for International Education Week

Cornucopia of celebrations coming to campus for International Education Week Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018

Rice grad student uses puppets to teach inclusion

Rice grad student uses puppets to teach inclusion Monday, Oct. 22, 2018

GCURS provides mentoring, polishes presentations

GCURS provides mentoring, polishes presentations Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018

Rice grad named Director of Student Advancement and Career Development

Rice grad named Director of Student Advancement and Career Development Wednesday, Sep. 26, 2018

Rice students win prestigious fellowship; funding

Rice students win prestigious fellowship; funding Friday, Sep. 21, 2018

International Friends at Rice potluck welcomes grad students from across the globe

International Friends at Rice potluck welcomes grad students from across the globe Wednesday, Sep. 19, 2018

Late nights on the lawn with Owls After Dark

Late nights on the lawn with Owls After Dark Monday, Sep. 17, 2018

‘Carnavalhalla’ brings Brazil to Rice

‘Carnavalhalla’ brings Brazil to Rice Wednesday, Sep. 12, 2018

Grant aims students toward next-gen bioelectronics

Grant aims students toward next-gen bioelectronics Tuesday, Sep. 4, 2018

New bike safety video encourages safe riding

New bike safety video encourages safe riding Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018

Love vine sucks life from wasps, leaving only mummies

Love vine sucks life from wasps, leaving only mummies Monday, Aug. 20, 2018

Graduate Studies welcomes Student Groups Specialist

Graduate Studies welcomes Student Groups Specialist Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2018

CampSpark welcomes refugee students to Rice for week of STEM activities

CampSpark welcomes refugee students to Rice for week of STEM activities Thursday, Jul. 5, 2018

Promoting pedestrian and cyclist safety with pizza

Promoting pedestrian and cyclist safety with pizza Tuesday, Jun. 26, 2018

Rice signs MOU with Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées

Rice signs MOU with Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Monday, Jun. 18, 2018

Biking to Rice

Biking to Rice Thursday, May. 24, 2018

Prizes and awards to 2018 degree recipients

Prizes and awards to 2018 degree recipients Monday, May. 14, 2018

Rice’s tiniest cap and gown

Rice’s tiniest cap and gown Monday, May. 14, 2018

Commencement ceremonies planned for Friday and Saturday

Commencement ceremonies planned for Friday and Saturday Thursday, May. 10, 2018

Economics students, faculty honored at annual awards ceremony

Economics students, faculty honored at annual awards ceremony Monday, May. 7, 2018

3 Rice alums win prestigious Soros Fellowships

3 Rice alums win prestigious Soros Fellowships Tuesday, Apr. 17, 2018

Rice has 32 new NSF Graduate Research Fellows

Rice has 32 new NSF Graduate Research Fellows Monday, Apr. 16, 2018

Rice U. students create training device for cervical cancer screening

Rice U. students create training device for cervical cancer screening Monday, Apr. 16, 2018

Rice community shows support for DACA

Rice community shows support for DACA Monday, Mar. 12, 2018

Mahadevan wins top prize at Three-Minute Thesis competition

Mahadevan wins top prize at Three-Minute Thesis competition Monday, Mar. 12, 2018

GSA Culture Night brought the bulgogi and Brazilian Batalá drummers

GSA Culture Night brought the bulgogi and Brazilian Batalá drummers Monday, Feb. 19, 2018

Rice’s Latin American Graduate Student Association sends aid to Mexico and Puerto Rico

Rice’s Latin American Graduate Student Association sends aid to Mexico and Puerto Rico Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2018

Rice researchers demonstrate water desalination technology in D.C.

Rice researchers demonstrate water desalination technology in D.C. Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017

Art history conference explores ‘health’

Art history conference explores ‘health’ Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017

Smalley-Curl awards first STAR graduate research grants

Smalley-Curl awards first STAR graduate research grants Friday, Oct. 6, 2017

Meet the 2017-2018 Rice Graduate Student Association officers

Meet the 2017-2018 Rice Graduate Student Association officers Thursday, Sep. 28, 2017

How Owls are helping fellow Owls and other Houstonians recover from Hurricane Harvey

How Owls are helping fellow Owls and other Houstonians recover from Hurricane Harvey Tuesday, Sep. 5, 2017

Updates on Hurricane Harvey

Updates on Hurricane Harvey Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017

Graduate Owls enjoy barbecue with the president and other O-Week activities

Graduate Owls enjoy barbecue with the president and other O-Week activities Friday, Aug. 18, 2017

Economics students honored at annual awards ceremony

Economics students honored at annual awards ceremony Monday, May. 15, 2017

Link between heart disease risk factors and depression is biological, not behavioral

Link between heart disease risk factors and depression is biological, not behavioral Wednesday, May. 10, 2017

Commencement ceremonies planned for Friday, Saturday

Commencement ceremonies planned for Friday, Saturday Friday, May. 5, 2017

The Way I See It: Houston, we have science communication!

The Way I See It: Houston, we have science communication! Thursday, Apr. 13, 2017

Rice students and alumni awarded NSF fellowships for graduate research

Rice students and alumni awarded NSF fellowships for graduate research Monday, Apr. 3, 2017

11 graduate programs rank among top 25

11 graduate programs rank among top 25 Tuesday, Mar. 14, 2017

Grad students win prizes for presentations in 90-Second Thesis Competition

Grad students win prizes for presentations in 90-Second Thesis Competition Monday, Mar. 6, 2017

Rice celebrates diverse cultures

Rice celebrates diverse cultures Friday, Feb. 24, 2017

Lesbian women less likely than heterosexuals to get annual pap smears

Lesbian women less likely than heterosexuals to get annual pap smears Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017

Rice grad students win grant to help increase participation in philosophy

Rice grad students win grant to help increase participation in philosophy Friday, Dec. 9, 2016

MBA student leaders convene at Rice

MBA student leaders convene at Rice Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2016

Sweet rewards

Sweet rewards Friday, Nov. 18, 2016

Rice signs MOU with Costa Rica

Rice signs MOU with Costa Rica Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016

5 Jones School professors recognized with teaching honors

5 Jones School professors recognized with teaching honors Monday, May. 16, 2016

WuDunn: For own sake, make empathy a priority

WuDunn: For own sake, make empathy a priority Saturday, May. 14, 2016

Prizes and awards to degree recipients

Prizes and awards to degree recipients Friday, May. 13, 2016

Commencement ceremonies are planned for May 13-14

Commencement ceremonies are planned for May 13-14 Friday, May. 6, 2016

Shamoo: ‘I had to stop worrying and love the lecture’

Shamoo: ‘I had to stop worrying and love the lecture’ Monday, May. 2, 2016

Professional master’s programs move to new location

Professional master’s programs move to new location Wednesday, Apr. 13, 2016

5 Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellows recruited

5 Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellows recruited Monday, Mar. 28, 2016

Paulsen wins top prize at Graduate Student 90-Second Thesis Competition

Paulsen wins top prize at Graduate Student 90-Second Thesis Competition Monday, Mar. 14, 2016

Rice celebrates international culture

Rice celebrates international culture Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

Getting into the holiday spirit

Getting into the holiday spirit Monday, Dec. 7, 2015

Rice Academy of Fellows aims to boost research profile

Rice Academy of Fellows aims to boost research profile Monday, Nov. 2, 2015

Rice, MD Anderson win $1.8M for nanotech, cancer training

Rice, MD Anderson win $1.8M for nanotech, cancer training Monday, Oct. 12, 2015

Rice releases results from Survey on Unwanted Sexual Experiences

Rice releases results from Survey on Unwanted Sexual Experiences Monday, Sep. 21, 2015

Glasscock School’s Master of Liberal Studies program celebrates milestone

Glasscock School’s Master of Liberal Studies program celebrates milestone Monday, Sep. 21, 2015

Rice’s Center for Teaching Excellence hosts first TA training

Rice’s Center for Teaching Excellence hosts first TA training Friday, Aug. 28, 2015