Doctoral Commencement
The Rice University Doctoral Commencement is an occasion of special recognition for doctoral candidates to share with their family and friends. During the ceremony, each candidate's thesis director is announced, and the faculty member of the student's choice places the doctoral hood over the head of the doctoral candidate, signifying successful completion of the doctoral degree and full membership in the community of scholars.
Graduates, faculty participants, and guests should review the security protocols at Please allow for plenty of time for security protocols at the door. There is a clear bag policy for commencement ceremonies.
Information for Students
- Important Dates for Students
The May Commencement ceremony will occur on May 10, 2025 at Tudor Fieldhouse. August 2024 and December 2024 degree recipients are invited to attend this ceremony if they have not already participated in the December 2024 ceremony. Check back on this website for additional details in the coming weeks.
Curious about how Doctoral Commencement looks? You can review last May's ceremony here.
- Doctoral Graduation Checklist
Are you ready for graduation? Find out here.
- Ticketing & Registration for Commencement
- Please check back at this site for information about how to register for Commencement and how to request special accommodations for yourself or your guests if needed for the ceremony.
- PLEASE NOTE: Guests will not need tickets to attend the Doctoral Commencement.
If you have any registration questions or concerns, please email or call the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at 713-348-4002.
- Regalia
Full regalia is required for participants in the Doctoral Commencement (doctoral graduates and faculty). Regalia should be ordered (for rental) from the Rice Campus Store.
Click here for information about ordering regalia. Instructions about registering for the ceremony will be emailed to you.
Traditionally, a doctoral candidate’s advisor places their doctoral hood during the ceremony. If your advisor is not available to participate, you may consider another Rice faculty member who was on your committee. If this is not an option, or if your advisor becomes indisposed on the day of the ceremony, other Rice faculty, including your school’s Dean, may place your doctoral hood. If you have questions about who would be most appropriate to place your doctoral hood, please email
For more information, please call the bookstore at 713-348-2039. Doctoral graduates can read the commencement logistical instructions prior to the ceremony.
- Logistics
Please see full instructions here. Doctoral candidates and faculty hooders are asked to arrive at Tudor Hall at 8:00 a.m. in their regalia. Graduates and faculty will need to have a cap, gown and hood when you arrive for the ceremony. Marshals and staff will be available to assist you in preparation and with the marching order. Faculty hooders will march with and sit next to their first student to be hooded.
- Ceremony Text Updates
Please check for more details about how to be informed about ceremony updates by text.
- Questions?
Please email
Information for Guests
- Timeline of Events
- Tickets are not required for guests at the Doctoral Commencement.
- Seating is typically on a first-come, first serve basis and guests are advised to arrive early.
- Special Needs Seating
Guests with special seating needs will be accommodated with prior arrangements. Please, indicate any special accommodations when you register on the Doctoral Commencement Registration website.
- Parking
Free parking is available in West Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, adjacent to the Tudor Field House. The closest accessible parking is available in West Lot 4 (see campus map).
- Watch Online
The Doctoral Commencement will be available to watch live at The ceremony will also be professionally recorded. After commencement, the videographer will contact each graduate at their permanent address on file with the registrar with information about purchasing a recording of the ceremony.
- Professional Photographer
A photographer will typically take still photographs of each graduate being hooded. After commencement, the photographer will contact each graduate at the address on file with the Registrar’s Office with information about how you may purchase photographs. To learn more about purchasing professional photographs and videotapes of the ceremony, visit the Rice University Commencement website.
- Ceremony Translations
Translations are available in several languages for the families and friends of our doctoral graduates.
- Text Updates
Please check for more details about how to be informed about ceremony updates by text.