Degree Conferral | Spring ADC

Advanced Degrees Commencement

The Advanced Degree Commencement is a special ceremony held to recognize and celebrate our graduating Master's students. All recipients of a master's degree (other than those participating in the Jones School Investiture ceremony), an Artist's Diploma in Music, and Bachelor's of Architecture are invited to participate in the ceremony.

Information for Students

Important Dates for Students

Please make note of all deadlines.

Mid-March - Mid-April: Register for Advanced Degrees Commencement

March 23: Deadline to order regalia.

May 10: Advanced Degrees Commencement for Class of 2024. Check for more details about the timing of events.

Degree Conferral Checklist

Are you ready for graduation? Find out here.

Registration Details

You will receive information by email about how to register for Commencement and how to request special accommodations for yourself or your guests if needed for the ceremony.

If you have any registration questions or concerns, please email


Full regalia is required for participants. Please click here for more information. Regalia orders must be placed by the deadlines.


For all questions not addressed in this FAQ or on our convocation pages, please email

Information for Guests

Timeline of events

Please check back here for more details about the timeline of events.


Guests do NOT need tickets to attend the Advanced Degree Commencement.

Special Needs Seating

Degree candidates should indicate any special accommodations when registering for the Advanced Degrees Commencement.


Free parking is available in West Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, adjacent to the Alice Pratt Brown building (see campus map). The closest accessible parking is available in West Lot 4. You may also drop off guests with accessibility needs outside Tudor Fieldhouse via the Inner Loop (suggested drop off location are bus stop 4 on the campus map).

Webcast Information

The Advanced Degree Commencement is usually available to watch live. The ceremony will also be professionally recorded. After commencement, the videographer will contact each graduate at their permanent address on file with the registrar with information about purchasing a recording of the ceremony.


A photographer will typically take still photographs of each graduate. After commencement, the photographer will contact each graduate at the address on file with the Registrar’s Office with information about how you may purchase photographs. To learn more about purchasing professional photographs and videotapes of the ceremony, visit the Rice University Commencement website.

Text Updates

Please check for more details about how to be informed about ceremony updates by text.