Finding community as a graduate student

By Sathvik Iyengar. Building a sense of community on campus is crucial for graduate students to thrive academically and personally.

delicious food displayed at Rice Culture Night. The GSA logo can be seen on a mask in the background.

As a graduate student, the experience can be both exciting and challenging. It’s an opportunity to delve deep into your field of study, but it can also be a lonely and isolating experience. The graduate student population is often international and diverse, with students from all over the world. This can lead to culture shock and complicate building a sense of community. Moreover, graduate students have erratic and hectic work schedules, further complicating building connections. However, building a sense of community on campus is crucial for graduate students to thrive academically and personally. This blog post will discuss some strategies for building community as a graduate student.

  1. Attend social events

Attending social events is a great way for graduate students to build relationships and feel a sense of belonging within their academic community. These events can take many forms, from departmental mixers (or happy hours) to student organization meetings to community service events. By attending these events, graduate students can meet other students with similar interests, learn about different organizations and initiatives, and develop a sense of connection to the broader community.

Departmental happy hour events provide opportunities to meet other students in the same program or department. In contrast, student organization meetings can help students connect with others who share their interests and passions. Additionally, community service events can be a great way for graduate students to get involved and positively impact their community. Participating in these events can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment while also helping to build connections with other students.

  1. Join clubs or organizations

Joining clubs or organizations is a great way for graduate students to build relationships, pursue interests, and feel a sense of community within their academic environment. Rice University offers diverse clubs, including salsa classes, yoga groups, indoor game clubs, and gardening clubs, that provide opportunities for graduate students to meet other students and engage in activities outside their academic work.

By joining clubs or organizations, graduate students can develop new skills, connect with other students who share their interests, and positively impact their campus environment. Salsa classes and yoga groups allow graduate students to stay active and prioritize their mental and physical health. At the same time, indoor game clubs like "Grad Games" offer a relaxed and casual environment for graduate students to socialize through board games and video games. Gardening clubs can also provide a unique way for graduate students to connect with nature and contribute to the campus community by growing vegetables and herbs for the campus community. 

  1. Participate in departmental activities

Participating in departmental activities can be an effective way for graduate students to build a sense of community and connect with others in their program or department. Many universities have graduate student associations that organize social events, seminars, workshops, and other activities for students within each program or department.

For instance, at Rice University, each program or department has its graduate student association, which provides a forum for graduate students to connect, share information and resources, and advocate for their interests and concerns. These associations often organize social events, such as happy hours and game nights, and academic events, such as research seminars and workshops on professional development.

By participating in departmental activities, graduate students can also build relationships with faculty members and other professionals in their field. Attending seminars and workshops can provide valuable opportunities to learn about cutting-edge research and trends in the field while also building relationships with experts who may serve as mentors or collaborators. If your department has a student association or graduate student council, consider running for a position or getting involved in organizing events.

  1. Use social media

Social media can be a valuable tool for graduate students to build a sense of community and expand their networks. For example, academic Twitter can follow prominent researchers, engage in academic discussions, and share research findings. Additionally, graduate students can join private Facebook groups to connect with other students in their program or department and to find and join clubs and organizations that align with their interests.

Social media can also be a great way for graduate students to stay informed about leisure events and activities happening on campus. Many graduate student organizations advertise events like happy hours, game nights, and outdoor activities on their social media pages.

Social media can be a powerful tool for graduate students to connect with others in their academic community, find resources and support, and stay engaged with campus life. By strategically using academic Twitter, Facebook groups, and other social media platforms, graduate students can enhance their academic and social experiences inside and outside the classroom.

  1. Seek out mentorship opportunities

Seeking mentorship opportunities can be a valuable way for graduate students to connect with others in their field, gain insight and support, and develop their skills and knowledge. Many universities have formal mentorship programs that connect graduate students with undergraduate or high school students interested in pursuing careers in the same field.

For instance, Rice University offers a summer mentorship program where graduate students can mentor high school students and undergraduate students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. The program provides an opportunity for graduate students to share their knowledge and experience while also helping to inspire and support the next generation of scholars and professionals.

In addition to formal mentorship programs, graduate students can seek out informal mentorship opportunities by reaching out to faculty members, professionals in their field, or other graduate students with experience or expertise they admire. By building relationships with mentors, graduate students can gain valuable insights, guidance, and support that can help them navigate the challenges of graduate school and achieve their academic and professional goals.

Overall, seeking mentorship opportunities can be a powerful way for graduate students to build relationships, gain support and guidance, and develop their skills and knowledge. Whether through formal mentorship programs or informal relationships with mentors, graduate students can benefit greatly from the wisdom and experience of those who have come before them. Building a sense of community as a graduate student can be challenging but essential for academic success and personal well-being. By attending social events, joining clubs or organizations, participating in departmental activities, using social media, and seeking out mentorship opportunities, you can build connections with your peers and create a supportive network to help you thrive. Remember that grad school can be a long-term experience, and building relationships takes time. Be patient, and don’t hesitate to reach out to others.

About the author: 

Sathvik Ajay Iyengar is a current Ph.D. student in Materials Science and NanoEngineering Program. His interests include 2D materials, the physics and chemistry of their atom-thick arrangements, and applications in new device architectures. Read more.

Further Reading:

Best spots to eat around Rice University

How to create a work-life balance in graduate school

Finding your people in graduate school