Annie Finneran, Rice University Graduate Ambassador

WEBSITE(S)| Biosciences Department | Graduate Student Blogs | Annie's LinkedIn | Annie's Instagram | Annie's Website | Annie's Lab

Previous Institution: UCLA

Pronouns: she/her

Annie is originally from a suburb of Chicago, IL and received her BS in Biology with a Minor in Conservation Studies from UCLA in 2021. She is a member of Dr. Matthew McCary's lab in the Ecology and Evolutioary Biology Program here at Rice, studying how species interactions scale up to affect nutrient cycling and ecosystem functioning. When not working, Annie enjoys running along the Bayou, going to concerts, and exploring the museums and charms of Houston. Feel free to reach out to her!

Fun fact:

I like to write poetry.

Favorite thing about Rice:

The campus is beautiful and the community is inviting!

Favorite thing about Houston:

The food, the people, and the sunsets!

Why did you decide to go to grad school?

I love Earth and am fascinated by nature, and I know I want to be involved in conservation oriented research that helps the planet and people. A PhD is a great way to gain the knowledge, skillset, and connections to do exactly that.