Diana Alvarado, Graduate Student Ambassador

WEBSITE(S)| Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Program | Graduate Student Blogs | Diana's LinkedIn

Previous Institution: New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology

Pronouns: she/her

I'm a first-generation Mexican-American student born and raised in Clovis NM. I have experienced lots of first in my family, such as first to graduate high school, first to graduate from college with an undergraduate degree, and most recently first to apply and pursue a PhD. I obtained my undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics at the New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology in Socorro, NM. I am very passionate about the energy economy, especially in renewable energy, and have a variety of experiences working at different government labs at a variety of levels. I have also been a recipient of the GEM fellowship for PhD students. Currently, I am part of the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering graduate program and am working under my advisor Dr. Sibani Lisa Biswal on devices for energy storage.

Why I decided to go to grad school:

I wanted to be able to personally contribute to innovative research in the energy economy.

Favorite thing about Rice:

The people and research capabilities.

Favorite thing about Houston:

The variety of food options.