Isha Chakraborty, Graduate Student Ambassador

WEBSITE(S)| Electrical and Computer Engineering Program | Graduate Student Blogs | Isha's LinkedIn

Previous Institution: California Institute of Technology

Pronouns: she/her

I am a second-year graduate student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department, working with Dr. Ashutosh Sabharwal and Dr. Guha Balakrishnan on developing tools for digital health using deep learning. I'm originally from Chandler, AZ and Cupertino, CA and recently graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Caltech. Outside of research, in my free time, I love reading my way through bestseller lists, exploring new food spots in Houston, taking new dance classes, and creating digital art!

Why I decided to go to grad school:

I was really excited about getting to learn more about developing software to solve problems especially in the equity and healthcare spaces.

Fun fact about me: 

I play four instruments!

Favorite thing about Rice:

I love how social and supportive the student body is!

Favorite thing about Houston:

The diversity in food and music events!