Juan Hevia, Graduate Student Ambassador

WEBSITE(S)| Rice Data Science Program | Graduate Student Blogs | Juan's LinkedIn | Juan's Instagram

Previous Institution: Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires

Pronouns: he/him

I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and came to Rice in August '23 to pursue a Master's in Data Science as part of my Fulbright scholarship. As an Argentinean, I find it hard to start a day without my daily mate 🧉, and our conversation will surely mention Messi or Maradona at some point. As a Data Scientist, I advocate for the transformative power of technology and work to apply artificial intelligence to address society's most challenging problems. As a Rice student, I enjoy diverse environments and learning from new cultures and knowledge domains. Learning is the best form of growth.

Why I decided to go to grad school: 

Learning is the best form of growth, and I sought to continue growing in an institution of excellence.

Fun fact about me: 

I have received email from the Pope and Muhammad Yunus.

Favorite thing about Rice:

There is a consistent likelihood of starting a knowledgeable conversation about humankind's hard scientific challenges.

Favorite thing about Houston:

You are one Uber away from trying any dish from anywhere in the world.