Luisa Rezende. Graduate Student Ambassador

WEBSITE(S)| Biochemistry and Cell Biology Program | Graduate Student Blogs | Luisa's Twitter | Brazilian Student Association | Latin American Graduate Student Association

Previous Institution: UFMG - Uiversidade Federal de Minas Gerais 

Pronouns: she/her

I'm from Divinópolis Minas Gerais, Brazil. So, if you are from Brazil, you know I grew up eating the best Pão de Queijo in the world! I majored in biology and earned my master's in cell biology at UFMG. I am here at Rice pursuing my PhD and studying stem cells in the biochemistry and cell biology program. I am part of the Brazilian Student Association at Rice (BRASA) and love meeting my fellow Brazilians around campus. I am also really into biking, which I discovered after enrolling at Rice and participating in Beer Bike (as you might have guessed by the name, Beer Bike is a really fun event).

Why I decided to go to grad school:

I want to contribute to humanity's knowledge about "life, the universe, and everything."

Fun fact about me:

I always play as a Bard in D&D campaigns.

Favorite thing about Rice:

The welcoming and diverse community.

Favorite thing about Houston:

It is effortless to find good vegetarian/vegan food here!