Fellowship Name: 

The Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India and Rice Joint Program

Fellowship Description from their Website: 

Rice University is a comprehensive private research university located in Houston, Texas. Rice is consistently ranked among top 20 universities in U.S. overall according to U.S. News & World Report. We are looking for outstanding students to train to become the next generation of world leaders. We offer amazing educational and research opportunities.

In November 2015, the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) and Rice negotiated a joint Rice/SERB program. In this program, SERB and Rice will jointly sponsor up to 5 selected Indian students to receive their Ph.D. degrees annually over the course of the next five years.

SERB will provide the students a living stipend at the rate of $24,000 annually for four years.

In addition, to the SERB funding, a SERB scholar will receive an additional $2,000 travel award from the department and may receive additional stipend funds from the department, including funding for a fifth year of study. A students' offer letter of admission will include this information. 

Additionally, recipients of these awards will receive a full tuition waiver from the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Full-time doctoral students will also receive a medical insurance subsidy that will cover ~67% of the health insurance premium during the first eight years of study if the student chooses to use Rice's Student Health Insurance plan.

Interested applicants must apply directly to Rice's doctoral degree programs. Admitted applicants will be notified of their acceptance to Rice in the spring. The applicant will then submit a consent form to Rice University indicating that they wish to apply for SERB funding before March 8. For more information, please email graduate@rice.edu.

Consent Form

Submit Consent Form Here


Reviewed December 2023